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The Signs of Oxycodone Addiction

When you or a loved one has been injured and are in severe pain, it is not uncommon to be not uncommon to be prescribed oxycodone when other pain relievers are not working. However, this prescription drug contains addictive properties. If you are worried you are developing an addiction to this drug, you should review these signs of oxycodone addiction. 

What Is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is the generic name for this semi-synthetic opioid derived partially from the poppy plant. You may have also heard of the brand name OxyContin, which is the same medication. 

How Does Oxycodone Make You Feel?

The body has natural opioid receptors that oxycodone binds to once in the body to help block pain signals sent from nerve endings through the central nervous system to the brain. The drug also increases the release of dopamine. Dopamine is associated with pleasure. 

Whether you take the drug as a prescription or are misusing it, you will generally experience the following:

  • You will feel calm, relaxed, and happy. After taking the drug, you will notice your pain go away in about a half hour. Those misusing the drug can experience euphoria and sometimes hallucinate. 
  • You can start to feel sensations of detachment and slowed reactions. For example, you may notice you respond slower, and it takes longer to form thoughts and focus on tasks. Some people can also feel detached like they are having an out-of-body experience. 
  • Everything around you is more pleasant. Part of an oxycodone high is experiencing sensations around you differently. It is not uncommon for some people to love how their sofa feels or like how smooth a countertop feels. 
  • Cognitive functions are slowed. Someone high on oxycodone will experience similar cognitive impairments as though they were drunk. They will slur their speech and have motor control difficulties, such as walking, standing, and balancing.
  • The drug makes it easier to fall asleep. Since the effects of oxycodone make one very relaxed, they can start to feel drowsy and drift off to sleep. Some people will fall asleep even when doing something else, like watching TV or driving a vehicle. 

Depending on the dosage taken, these sensations and feelings can last between six and eight hours. 

How Does Someone Develop an Oxycodone Addiction?

The sensations and feelings experienced while under the effects of oxycodone contribute to becoming addicted to the drug. The brain remembers the pleasurable sensations and feelings experienced as positive behavior. Therefore, it will want to experience these sensations again. As a result, one starts to develop a craving for oxycodone. When someone misuses oxycodone daily, they can develop an addiction to it within three or four days. 

Signs of Oxycodone Addiction

As one continues to use oxycodone, there are specific signs of oxycodone addiction you need to know. Initially, there can be early warning signs, including the following: 

  • Unable to stop taking oxycodone.
  • Inability to function without being under the influence of oxycodone.
  • Experiencing cravings for oxycodone.
  • Becoming aggravated and defensive about oxycodone usage.

The longer one takes oxycodone, the more the body develops a tolerance to the drug. As such, one will start to self-medicate and take large doses to experience the desired effects. In addition, one can begin to engage in drug-seeking behaviors like attempting to get multiple prescriptions for oxycodone. 

As addiction continues to take hold, one will experience other signs, including:

  • Continuing to use oxycodone even though it negatively impacts relationships, one’s ability to function, and financial situation.
  • Experiencing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when the drug wears off. 
  • Feeling anxious or depressed for no apparent reason.
  • Increased mood swings.
  • Isolating from family and friends.
  • Associating with others that misuse oxycodone. 

Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms

The withdrawal symptoms a person experiences will vary based on the length of time they have been taking the drug, the amount they take, and the frequency they take it. However, the more common withdrawal symptoms one experiences often include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, muscle aches and pains, and intense cravings. 

Oxycodone Withdrawal Timeline

Withdrawal symptoms for oxycodone can begin within as little as four hours after the drug wears off. Although, it can take up to 36 hours for the withdrawal to start. Initially, the withdrawal symptoms will be mild and can last for several days. 

In about one to three days, the symptoms intensify and become moderate. As a person continues through withdrawal, the most intense symptoms manifest within three to four days until they peak. 

Once they peak, they gradually decline until gone, usually within a week or two. However, some people can experience PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome), which is related to psychological withdrawal symptoms. PAWS can last for months or years, but with continued addiction, treatment will eventually subside. 

How to Safely Stop Misusing Oxycodone

Quitting oxycodone on your own is highly discouraged. The extent of withdrawal symptoms can become life-threatening and unmanageable. Therefore, to safely stop misusing oxycodone, one should seek help from a qualified medical detox center. 

Medically supervised detox helps alleviate the most intense withdrawal symptoms using medication therapies and ensures you do not relapse during detox.

Oxycodone Detox in Nashville, TN, at our Medical Detox Center

You can safely detox from oxycodone with help from Detox Nashville in Tennessee at our medical detox center. We provide a supportive, caring, and healing environment, so you can start your detox treatment by contacting us today.

24/7 Help Is Standing By, Call Us Now.

24/7 Help Is Standing By, Call Us Now.