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What Is The Timeline For Marijuana Detox?

Over the last two decades, marijuana has exploded in popularity. While the media has reported the legalization of marijuana as a triumph, many marijuana users and their families see it as a nightmare. By finding effective treatment, understanding the marijuana detox timeline, and having support, you can take back your freedom from marijuana dependency. 

person struggles with marijuana addiction

With each year since 2000, the legal status of marijuana has steadily shifted across the United States. With legalization, more people have found themselves struggling with marijuana addiction. Those with marijuana dependency have found it harder to distance themselves from the drug, as legal dispensaries, as well as legalized Delta-8 THC products, are popping up in more communities.

What is Marijuana and What Are Its Effects?

Cannabis, also referred to as weed, marijuana, kush, reefer, hemp, or herb, is a drug derived from the flower buds of the cannabis plant. Grown throughout Mexico, California, and the Hindu Kush Mountain Ranges, marijuana gained popularity in North America during the early 20th century. The chemical THC, produced by the marijuana plant, is the psychoactive ingredient that makes the user feel “high.”

Originally used through smoking, users today have access to marijuana in many forms including edible candies and gummies, THC infused foods and beverages, as well as the smokeable flower bud form. With so many accessible ways to attain marijuana, many struggling with dependency have found it difficult to distance themselves from the drug. 

When ingested, marijuana acts on the brain’s endocannabinoid receptors. Effects are usually first felt between five minutes and two hours depending on the delivery method, and last anywhere from two to eight hours. The effects of marijuana vary widely by the user, making the drug’s effects on a given person unpredictable. Many users report heightened sensory perceptions, altered perception of time, confusion, paranoia, dry mouth, uncontrollable laughter, and increased appetite. 

What is Marijuana Withdrawal?

Marijuana withdrawal is the body’s reaction to having marijuana abruptly removed from one’s system. When the body continuously uses a drug for a given period of time, it becomes accustomed to that drug. Once the drug is removed from the body, the brain, now used to the drug, will send signals throughout the body that manifest as withdrawal symptoms.

There has been some debate in the scientific community as to whether food-based THC products or smokable flowers are more addictive. Most studies have concluded that the effects of marijuana withdrawal are generally the same, no matter the method of use. The marijuana detox timeline, too, is unaffected by the method of use. Both frequency and volume of use play a much bigger part in the overall experience of withdrawal.

woman going through marijuana withdrawal timeline for detox.

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal from marijuana usually sets in between 48 and 72 hours after the user’s last dose. While marijuana withdrawal symptoms may not be as intense as withdrawal from drugs like heroin or methamphetamine, they can still pose health risks.

Marijuana withdrawal symptoms include the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia 
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Diminished appetite
  • Headaches
  • Chills
  • Stomach issues

Marijuana Detox Timeline

The marijuana detox timeline is the time it takes for most people to undergo withdrawal symptoms. Typically, marijuana withdrawal symptoms will begin within the first week after stopping use. Many users report feeling these effects as early as 48 hours after discontinuing use. Regardless of if one is using smokeable or smokeless forms of marijuana, the timelines are generally the same for each.

Generally, after discontinuing use, one will likely experience peak symptoms within 10 days. After the 10-day mark, symptoms typically die down within three weeks to a month. The severity and longevity of the symptoms may vary depending on volume and frequency of use, as well as factors such as weight, age, and metabolism.

peer support group meeting during marijuana detox in Nashville

Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Marijuana addiction, without effective treatment, can be detrimental to one’s life. Now that we have established a marijuana detox timeline, we can begin to explore marijuana addiction treatments. In the realm of addiction and recovery, evidence shows that quitting alone versus quitting with support can make all the difference. By finding the appropriate support system, one can give themselves the highest probability of a successful and long-lasting recovery.

However, detoxing without support can lead to a relapse, which means that a person continues using again. Therefore, by finding the proper system of support, one gives themselves the greatest odds of overcoming dependency.

What to Expect From Marijuana Detox

Detox is typically the first step in fighting drug addiction. Detox is the process of cleansing the drugs out of the body. During this process, a person must not use their drug of choice. This can be a very uncomfortable and even process if done alone. Why? As mentioned above, withdrawal effects can make it easy for a person to relapse.

Marijuana withdrawal effects can include mood swings, depression, anxiety, and even stomach pain. A professional medical detox program can help a person deal with these side effects in a comfortable way. First, a qualified rehab facility team will evaluate a person’s individual needs. Next, they will recommend the most effective drug detox program based on these needs. 

Following this, the rehab team will give the client medications and an appropriate therapy program. The medications will help calm the withdrawal symptoms and even urges to use. The therapy will help the client get to the root cause of their addiction and help keep their mood stable.

Finally, the individual will be assigned a treatment program that best fits their needs. Treatment programs often include holistic therapy. Holistic therapy treats the whole person—mind, body, and soul. 

Timeline for Marijuana Detox

The timeline for marijuana detox can vary from person to person. There is no one size fits all solution.  The timeline for marijuana detox usually depends on how long a person was using and how much of the drug they were using.  

With this in mind, detox can last a few days or a few weeks depending on the individual.  It is important to note that it is most beneficial to focus on completing the detox rather than the length of time of the detox. This will help to ensure a long-lasting recovery

Detox From Marijuana in Nashville, TN

Here at Detox Nashville, we are waiting with open arms to help you take the first steps in your recovery journey. Our team of compassionate and highly skilled professionals is ready to give you the tools you need for lasting recovery. Located in Nashville, Tennessee, we provide a safe environment conducive to healing. There has never been a better time to take back your freedom from addiction. Contact us today, and take the first steps in your recovery.

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